We have an active training programme for all club members, in both the summer and winter months. The programme has been designed, and overseen, by our Director of Cricket, Oli Soames. Guildfordcc.doc@gmail.com
SUMMER TRAINING 2024 at Woodbridge Rd.
Senior Men & Women starting in the week beginning Mon April 15th
Women on Wednesdays from 1730
Men on Thursdays from 1700-1915/30
Start date: 15th & 19 April. End date: 8th & 12th July
Boys Training is now being split across the week on Mondays and Fridays (please see below)
Mondays: 17:00-18:15: u9 : 18:20-19:35: u10/11
Friday 17:00-18:15: u12/13 : 18:20-19:35: u14/15
Girls Training. Tuesday 16th April – 9th July.
17:00-18:15: u11s / u13s: 18:15-19:30: u15s / u18s
Please note there will be no junior training during the week commencing 10th June, this is due to the set up of the beer festival.
Terms & Conditions
- that their household have no COVID-19 symptoms;
- that 2024 membership has been fully paid-up (or that you are taking the free 2-week trial, and with no obligation, at a Junior Coaching session);.
- players in the age group of Under 10 and over should have their own protective equipment, including helmets.
- that they agree to a disclaimer from liability for accident, illness or injury in favour of Guildford Cricket Club;
- and; Guildford Cricket Club’s Privacy Notice gives full details of its use of their personal data
Please also note the following very important point from the previous advice:
Anyone who experiences COVID-19 symptoms within 7 days of being at the Winter Training must report that fact to Benu Datta GCC Safeguarding Officer, on 07917 233288