Guildford Cricket Club has a proven track record in developing some of the finest cricketers in England.
The development of our junior section is at the very heart of what GCC looks to achieve and the club offers a first class environment for Junior Cricket.
Players such as Martin & Darren Bicknell, Shoaib Bashir, Ashley Giles, Rikki Clarke, Jade Dernbach, Ollie Pope, Will Jacks, Phil Salt and Alice Capsey have all come through the GCC ranks.
Our objectives are clear – we want to foster a happy, safe and unpressurised environment where children can develop a love for the game that they can take through life and along the way produce the next generation of England cricketers.
We offer a vast programme of Junior Cricket for boys and girls. Our age groups start at Under 8, run right through to Under 17 and then there is a clear development pathway into Senior cricket.

Our junior training and coaching programme is designed and overseen by our Director of Cricket, Oli Soames, who uses only the highest quality ECB level 1, 2 & 3 coaches to deliver his coaching programme. Training and coaching is run throughout the year starting with an 8 week winter programme (starting in January) and then a 12 week summer programme (starting in April). We also run a number of cricket camps throughout the season, which we are looking to build on in 2024.
We are always on the lookout for new junior cricketers – please do use the links below to find out more detail on our coaching offering, facilities and membership.
- Junior Section Ethos
- Junior Membership
- Girls’ Cricket
- Junior Cricket Organisation & Age Group Managers
- Junior Coaching
- 1 to 1 Coaching
- Useful information – Laws, Signals and Play Cricket Scorer guides
- Junior team home match locations
- Duty of care & Safeguarding
- Club policies and Guidelines
- Guide for officials, parents and parent helpers
Should you wish to speak to someone then please do not hesitate to contact our Director of Cricket – Olly Birts 07920043789

Our Junior Section is proudly sponsored by Ayer Associates, Savills and Chambers and we thank them for their support

Guildford Cricket Club is committed to maintaining its ECB Clubmark accreditation, and its Focus Club status.
Guildford Cricket Club’s objective is to promote, organize and encourage amateur cricket in the Guildford area and community participation in the same.
We aspire to be recognised as the leading club for junior development in the area.
We provide a fun and safe, supportive and encouraging environment for all children, from all backgrounds and of all abilities.
We are fully accredited under the England & Wales Cricket Board’s Clubmark scheme. Our Clubmark manager/administrator is Nicholas Gooding, who may be contacted 07776 201663 or at

Clubmark means that the Club has demonstrated its commitment to junior development and meeting the benchmarks for a high quality community club cricket.
The four themes
- Duty of Care and Safeguarding Children
- The Cricket Programme
- Knowing your club and its Community – One Game
- Club Management

For peace of mind, we would like you to know that in the unlikely event that Juniors or Parents may have a grievance with regard to selection or any other matter, the Junior Section Complaints Procedure sets out how such grievances should be addressed.
Any appeal to the final decision of the Junior Section Chairman should be made to the Club Secretary, who will address the matter in accordance with the Club’s constitution.